Thursday, February 14, 2008

Want to burn Fat for hours, after Exercise?

Have a read of this report, to find out the most efficient way of burning fat. Instead of spending hours jogging, only to find its not working, build strength and make your body burn fat for up to 70 hours after the exercise session.

Full Report Here

Monday, February 11, 2008

Pepsi launches new, healthy drink option

Pepsi are launching a new drink made with natural ingredients, and contains no artificial preservatives, colours, flavourings or sweeteners. The drink, called Pepsi Raw, will contain around 117 calories.

Full Report Here

Low-Calorie Sweeteners more fattening than Sugar

Researchers have found that it may be better to stick with sugar rather than use low calorie sweeteners such as Saccharine and Aspartame. They have found that the sweet taste makes the body think there will be a large intake of calories. When no calories arrive, the body is confused, ending up wanting more food or burning less energy, meaning more weight on the scales.

Full Report

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Weight Training is better for Weight Loss

Scientists have found that ''resistance training'' is as good, if not better, than endurance training for losing fat, as well as fighting against diseases such as diabetes.
Apparently its all to do with the different type of muscle, Type I and Type II. Type I deals with endurance type exercise such as running, and Type II is to do with resistance training such as weight lifting. As we age, we lose Type II muscle, which in turn slows our metabolism and causes us to gain fat.

Full Report Here

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Food Standards Agency calls for smaller portions

Food firms should cut saturated fat levels and reduce portion sizes to help improve the nation's health, a watchdog has said.

The measures are part of the Food Standards Agency's drive to reduce consumption of saturated fat, which is linked to killer heart disease.

Meat products, cakes, biscuits and crisps are the among the food types in need of an ingredients overhaul, the watchdog said. Food manufacturers should also reduce added sugar levels and increase their range of healthier product options, according to the FSA.

Full Report Here

Monday, February 4, 2008

Snacks that suppress appetites

Ready-made meals and snacks containing appetite suppressants could be available to buy within two years.

Scientists are developing a way of incorporating lipids into food. Cereals and oats contain lipids, and explain one of the reasons porridge keeps you feeling full for a long time.

Full Report Here

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Hello and thanks for visiting my new blog!

This will be a blog about all things losing weight, and being able to do it in a sensible and healthy way. I will be publishing tips about food, exercise, supplements and anything else relevant to fat loss and a healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, I will be following these tips myself, as I need to be slimmer and fitter!

Be back soon to start us off!